Ask Rachel: Envisioning the Dream While Remaining Open To Anything


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About the episode

Welcome to Ask Rachel, where you call in with your questions and Rachel answers from the heart.

You’re listening to this episode right now because Rachel is currently on leave after giving birth!

Speaking of birth, in this episode, Rachel answers a beautiful question from a listener about how she envisions her dream birth. Don’t get your hopes up – it’s not the birth story just yet!

Rachel shares the Spotify playlist she’s creating for the experience, and more intimate details, such as where she wants to be, what time of day she imagines, who she wants present, the position she wants to be in, the meal she wants to eat after, and more. How much will her vision match up with the real thing?

Of course, we can never truly plan a birth – it will always happen the way it’s meant to happen. But we can manifest our wishes to the universe while still remaining completely open to anything that may come our way. This story is Rachel’s dream birth. Tune in to hear it.

Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.

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The light
you are seeking
is within
your own heart

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