Ask Rachel: Social Media, Body Image, and a Cover Shoot Filled with Shame


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About the episode

Welcome back to another segment of Ask Rachel. If you’re listening to this episode right now, it’s because Rachel is currently on leave after giving birth!

Today the topic of discussion is social media and how it affects our body image. Rachel shares some very personal stories: one about a magazine cover shoot she did postpartum that made her feel so much shame, and another about a hard moment when she felt self conscious on her wedding day.

We look back at pictures of ourselves so often and are amazed at how beautiful we were. But we should be amazed now. You are beautiful as you are, right now, and your body is nothing short of a miracle. Tune in for a deep and insightful episode that will help you see it.

Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.

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The light
you are seeking
is within
your own heart

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