About the episode
Life comes with ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean they are easy to manage.
How do we feel joy when there is also pain? And how do we navigate the shame that comes with it? If you’ve been working through this lately, today’s episode is for you.
Rachel discusses the duality of life that so many of us are experiencing right now. Through a personal example, she shares the fairly challenging phase she is going through with her daughter. And how even though it’s hard, this is still one of the most beautiful times of their lives. At the end of the show, Rachel shares some exciting news (hint: it may involve new live classes on yogagirl.com!).
It takes courage to take a step back and process before you react, but this is the practice. Nothing will ever be perfect, so we can only learn to take the challenges as they come and never hold back from our joy.
Key Takeaways
- Life comes with high highs and low lows. It’s a balancing act we need to learn to navigate.
- We are supposed to ebb and flow with our lives. Sit with the pain but make sure to feel the joy when it comes (not shame!)
- Nothing in your life will ever be perfect, but it will always be yours to experience.
- When you look back on this time of your life, you will remember how beautiful it was. Embrace that beauty now.