About the episode
So many of us are struggling to heal from traumatic events that took place in our past. If you have suffered through loss, separation, disease, abandonment, abuse, neglect… You are not alone.
Trauma is not identified by what happened to us, but by our ability to respond. We often minimize trauma by saying “it could have been worse”, but when something comes our way and it’s too fast, too much, and too soon it can leave us in shock and suffering for years to come.
In this episode, Rachel is joined by trauma therapist, psychologist and Path of Love leader Shubhaa Kassima Fisher. Together they identify and unpack trauma, dive into how to begin the road to healing, and answer many questions around the topic of trauma and overcoming adversity.
Life is full of ups and downs, valleys and peaks, highs and lows. Those lower vibrational emotions, such as anger, frustration, and loneliness can get trapped in our hearts. The process of healing will only begin once we acknowledge them, and once those feelings are validated and metabolized. If you’re reading this, you have probably already felt the desire to heal!
There is no better time than now. This episode will help you to acknowledge your own trauma and shine the light on a path forward to help bring you closer to healing. Shubhaa also shares a profound example of the power of healing trauma in her own post-partum recovery story. Tune in to begin the journey!
Key Takeaways
- Trauma is defined not by the circumstances of what happened to you, t by your ability to respond.
- When your mindset shifts from living in trauma to acknowledging the longing to heal, the road to healing begins.
- Find the safety to feel your feelings. Don’t try to fix or overcome, just allow them space and validation.
- If you are healing from trauma, a powerful tool is to imagine what you would have needed in that situation and envisioning the support you needed at the time.
- It is easier to heal from trauma with someone to hold your hand and help you through your healing. Reach out and ask for help!
- Set boundaries for yourself and try to keep from projecting your negative feelings on others. In difficult moments, turn to something simple that makes you feel good such as yoga, cooking, or spending time in nature.
About Path of Love
To learn more about the Path of Love experience from Rachel’s view, click here.
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For more information on Shubhaa, please visit her website here.