Mothering Ourselves – A Fever, A Tea Ceremony, and God


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About the episode

Sometimes the biggest realizations come to us at the most challenging times. Today’s episode of the Yoga Girl Podcast is no different.

Returning to life after a sickness and fever brought her to a different portal, Rachel has a lot to share. From lucid dreams, to big transitions, and all her tests coming back negative – was this past week an ascension? A shedding of layers? A rebirth? A coming home?

Sitting down for tea, it all came together.

In this episode, you will get a glimpse into an aspect of Rachel’s life she has never shared before: her tea ceremony. This ritual tied together with a newfound vulnerability brought her to her knees and made everything come full circle.

Sometimes we have to completely fall apart to put ourselves back together. Sometimes we have to learn to mother ourselves when our inner child is scared and fragile.

And sometimes, we have to go to the depths of the portal, to the brink of our edges, to find God.

Key Takeaways

  • Every aspect of you is connected – your body, mind, and soul. When something is happening within, your body knows – and it will tell you.
  • If you are manifesting physical symptoms with no clear explanation, look at what is going on in your life to find the answer.
  • Sometimes you need to fall apart to put yourself back together a little more whole.
  • The mother of us all, Mother Earth, is always there for you. You are never alone.
  • Return to the practices that remind you of your crucial place within this universe, whether it is tea, meditation, or walks in nature. You are here for a purpose, and you can find reminders all around.


The light
you are seeking
is within
your own heart

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